Alliance Mission
The Alliance works to revitalize public education through innovation that is developmentally sound, and supports high quality Public Waldorf Education meeting the needs of students of our times.
Promote and support the development of high quality Public Waldorf Education
Strengthen the community of schools guided by the Core Principles of Public Waldorf Education
Increase the visibility of Public Waldorf Education in the greater educational landscape
Make Public Waldorf Education accessible for all
The Alliance supports collaboration within and among its members in the formation of strong learning communities that will ensure that Public Waldorf education itself remains “ever evolving and continuously renewed.”
As a part of the world-wide Waldorf educational movement, the Alliance seeks partners beyond its membership that similarly wish to revitalize education to create a more harmonious social future. The Alliance seeks to expand the availability of this educational approach to all sectors of society.
Alliance Diversity Statement
The Alliance for Public Waldorf Education is committed to respecting and welcoming all people. We most emphatically reject discrimination and actively work towards mutual understanding and positive engagement; embracing the principles of common humanity expressed by the Core Principles of Public Waldorf Education. The Alliance works to promote inclusivity and understanding and our organization actively and critically examines our practices as a reflection of our changing world.
We encourage lively discussion at the school level to develop their own diversity statements.