July 12-16, 2021:
Grade/Level Cohorts EC through High School: Picture of the Grade/Level, Math, Literacy, Science, & the Arts

Week one is designed for teachers in schools working out of the core principles of Public Waldorf Education, and the schedule reflects the professional development we believe will be most supportive in preparation for entering the classroom.  The instructors have all been involved with schools working out of these principles and look forward to forming cohorts specific to each grade/level in the morning course.  The courses in math, literacy, and the arts will form as cohorts in the afternoon.  Please expect to participate in all the courses for your grade/level, as the instructors are working together to build up a complete picture.  Our hope is that new friendships will form, new insights and practical skills will be gained, and that participants will leave feeling refreshed and enthusiastic to begin teaching their grade.