3rd Tuesday: Situation Public Waldorf Education
3:30pm Pacific Time (4:30pm MT, 5:30pm CT, 6:30pm ET)
February 16th, March 16th, April 20th, May 18th
A space for exploration and support in response to current social and political upheaval. Is there a “Waldorf perspective” on world events? How do we best meet our children in a time of crisis? How do we continue to prioritize the needs of the children when we may feel overwhelmed? How do we work with a range of reactions and opinions in our communities? This gathering will offer perspectives on our role as educators, thoughts on what a Waldorf approach can offer (or not offer), and an opportunity to share thoughts, questions, and insights.
With Rainbow Rosenbloom and Liz Beaven.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89956916872?pwd=OEoxMVlTOGthRkNGcFNNTmVmaXpwQT09
Meeting ID: 899 5691 6872
Passcode: 468925
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